the place for leisure time
since 1928
Official state records indicate the Johnson County Golf Club became a corporation on June 26, 1928, according to the Articles of incorporation filed with F. E. Schortemeir, then-Secretary of State of Indiana. On December 2, 1933, Frank Mayr of the Office of the Secretary of State signed an amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of the Johnson County Golf Club, thus changing the name of this corporation to Hillview Country Club, Inc. In the Articles of Amendment, it is noted that 81 members called a special meeting on December 1, 1933, at the Club House to vote on this amendment. Forty-five members voted yes and none voted no. Shares of stock certificates and membership certificates were subsequently sold to members, and so the history and memories of Hillview Country Club began.
The Original Club House
Lewis Hendricks and his wife Sally LeMasters came from Kentucky in 1822 and built a log cabin where they lived for 4 years until they built the white frame house overlooking what is now State Road 144. The Hendricks log cabin was moved to the Johnson County Historical Museum in 1967, and Lewis’ name can be found on a plaque in the cabin. The Hendricks raised 12 children. Lewis served on the Franklin College Board of Directors from 1836 to 1845. In 1917 the house and the surrounding 54 acres were put up for auction and purchased by Charles Hougham for $3,000. Two years later, the country club was organized, and in the fall of 1926, 20 couples met in the house and formed the golf club and began construction on the greens. The greens were first used in 1928 when membership was 100 people, the initiation fee was $100 and the yearly dues were $60.
Six of the present holes are more-or-less original, and 12 new ones were constructed when the current clubhouse was constructed.
In the 1950s, the drive to the old house was abandoned and a pool was constructed. The new entrance was used until 1970. The original well remains (though not functional) and can be seen behind the #18 tee today. A story is told that even though Lewis Hendricks and his family’s remains had been moved to Greenlawn Cemetery in 1913, two of his children are rumored to be still buried on the grounds of Hillview.
The Fire – January 12, 1971
The Daily Journal news story on January 13, 1971:
“Raging fire destroyed the Hillview Country Club east of Franklin late Tuesday night despite efforts by firemen from three communities. Franklin city firefighters who answered the first alarm at 11:22 p.m. said it may be difficult to determine a cause for the fire since no one was inside, and flames were already shooting from the roof of the three-story structure when they arrived.” Within minutes the fire had engulfed the entire structure. Two firetrucks ran out of water and for a while they pumped water from the swimming pool to fight the blaze.
At the back end of the clubhouse was a golf pro shop operated by Professional Richard St. Peter. Some golf equipment, bags, balls clubs and shoes, etc. were saved by firefighters and spectators during the fire. Total loss was set near $100,000.
By Wednesday, January 13, 1971, the Hillview Board of Directors was already in the preliminary planning stages for a new clubhouse, nor did the fire did not interfere with the completion of the new 9 holes already under construction at that time. Two trailers were purchased and used one for the golf shop, and the other for a snack bar. Bernie Admire, president of the club, assured the 275 members they would be continually apprised of the situation. Other members of the Hillview board included: Bob Branigin, Sam Yount, Dennis Manual, Art Ingles, Jack Early, Andy Bailey, Dr. Hugh Andrews, Louis Leercamp and Jack Hardin. The operation continued in the trailers until November 1972, with the new clubhouse opening in December of that year.
Moving Forward
During the 1970s and 1980s, Hillview members saw a variety of changes and improvements to the golf course and the clubhouse. A swimming pool was built and completed at the current location in 1975 and a cart barn/golf shop was constructed north of the clubhouse. Other priority projects were the Country Club Road driveway, parking lot, landscaping and drainage in the area from the clubhouse to the pond by #1 tee.
Plans for the 1980s included redoing of the fairways, bunkers and tee renovations and a tree-planting program. Membership stood at 371 with a $250 initiation fee. Club Estates was organized in 1983 and houses appeared along #2 fairway beginning in 1984. B.G. Winings replaced Dick Bradow as the Golf Professional in 1986.
Moving into the 1990s involved continued facility upgrades, including the construction of the banquet room in 1995 and the cart paths. A master plan for the course was in the planning stages, which included burying the small creek on #13 and making the pond, also filling in part of the pond on #7. New carts were purchased in 1997 and new greens mowers and other equipment were obtained in 1998. The club also took on the in-house food service contract that year.
A New Era/New Owners – Since 2012
The clubhouse has undergone several renovations between 2012 and 2015. These include remodeling of the main clubhouse, adding porches, new windows, a fire pit and new blacktop and walkways. A new HVAC system was installed upstairs and the kitchen received new appliances and a major upgrade in preparation for Scotty’s Brew Club. Lou’s Den also went renovation of kitchen space, tables and chairs restroom facilities. And the golf shop was freshened with new fixtures, paint and television.
Other facility upgrades included a new zero-entry swimming pool and splash pad in 2013, along with a pool locker room facelift. Three course bunkers were filled in a graded, and the Greens Department acquired new equipment, including the Sand Pro and completed drainage enhancements to the driving range and north side of the course. Forty older electric carts were exchanged for 52 new Precedent Club Cars to accommodate the growing membership.
Hillview members have traditionally taken ownership of various projects needing completion. Chuck Wenning and Jerry Petro consider it a personal mission to keep our trees looking beautifully pruned. The Ladies Leagues have planted flowers, donated water coolers and provided numerous other enhancements over the years, and the Karen Nally family donated the fountains in the ponds on #8 and #9. Every Monday a dedicated group of seniors gathers to sand divots and tees.
Begun in 2016 was phase 1 of the Better Billy Bunker project, which coincided with the new entrance and tee box for #11. Needed repairs to existing cart paths and a plan for construction of back-9 paths was undertaken. Locker room renovations were completed and new flooring was placed in the golf shop.
A massive tree-planting project begun in 2017 is still underway as the damage to the ash tree from infestation precipitated the loss of many of our mature trees. And the biggest news of 2017 was the opening of Big Woods Franklin!
All of this has been accomplished with minimal fees increases to our valued members. There are still numerous projects to be completed for the betterment of Hillview and to secure our place as the “Best Golf Club in Johnson County” and beyond.
Past Presidents
1928 Dayton D. Fertig
1929 Dayton D. Fertig
1930 Dayton D. Fertig
1931 C.C. Argabrite
1932 C.C. Argabrite
1933 Oral S. Barnett
1934 Oral S. Barnett
1935 Oral S. Barnett
1936 William T. Kelly
1937 William T. Kelly
1938 William T. Kelly
1939 William T. Kelly
1940 Ralph Crawford, Sam Lanham, George Vandivier and Frank Cravens
1941 Oral S. Barnett
1942 William T. Kelly
1943 Eldo Stonecipher
1944 Ben G. Breeding
1945 William T. Kelly
1946 Arthur T. Records
1947 Arthur T. Records
1948 William Hemphill
1949 Dan M. Cravens
1950 William T. Kelly
1951 Arthur T. Records
1952 Eugene Anderson
1953 Alton Snyder
1954 Alton Snyder
1955 James McCarty
1956 Roger Owens
1957 Robert Lagle
1958 Robert Lagle
1959 Rush Friddle
1960 Herman Hougland
1961 Raymond Fetterley
1962 Robert Tranter, Jr.
1963 Herman Moyer
1964 Millard Montgomery and Herbert Whitaker
1965 Robert Tranter, Jr.
1966 Hugh Campbell
1967 Rush Friddle
1968 Rush Friddle
1969 Louis Leerkamp
1970 Bernard Admire
1971 Robert Branigin
1972 Burke Anderson
1973 Hugh Campbell
1974 Hugh Campbell
1975 Robert Foist
1976 Robert Gee
1977 Robert Gee
1978 Nolan Cooper
1979 Nolan Cooper
1980 William Logan
1981 Jerry Ferguson
1982 Stephen Hougland
1983 Robert Stultz
1984 Dean Abplanalp
1985 Dave Hamilton
1986 John Rhoades
1987 Edgar P. Zehr
1988 Lou Wenning
1989 Gary Admire
1990 Edward A. Deiwert
1991 Harley R. Owens
1992 Tom Jones
1993 Phil Powell
1994 William McCarty
1995 William McCarty
1996 William McCarty
1997 William McCarty & Jerry Prosser
1998 Jerry Prosser
1999 Trent McWilliams
2000 Jerry Petro
2001 Jerry Petro
2002 Dean Walters
2003 Joe McElwain
2004 Steve Cobb
2005 Steve Cobb
2006 Jim Admire
2007 Jim Admire
2008 Jerry Petro
2009 Jerry Petro
2010 Ernie Huber
2011 Jim Admire
2012 Tom Slemons & Pete Grimmer
2013 Jim Admire
2014 Max S. Woodbury, II
2015 Pete Grimmer
2016 Jim Admire
2017 Max S. Woodbury, II
2018 Pete Grimmer
2019 Jim Admire
2020 Max S. Woodbury, II
2021 Pete Grimmer
Men’s Club Champions
1931 Roger Owens
1932 Roger Owens
1933 John Graham
1934 Eugene Anderson
1935 J. E. Nash
1936 M. T. Kelly
1937 E. Slack
1938 John Graham
1939 Bice Roth
1940 K. Hendrickson
1941 N.R. Dyke
1942 Lennis Murphy
1943 Dan Cravens
1944 M. T. Kelly
1945 Roger Owens
1946 Eugene Anderson
1947 Lennis Murphy
1948 William Campbell
1949 Lennis Murphy
1950 Lennis Murphy
1951 William Campbell
1952 Lennis Murphy
1953 Dan Cravens
1954 William Campbell
1955 Joe Swope
1956 William Campbell
1957 Lennis Murphy
1958 Lennis Murphy
1959 Rush Friddle
1960 Dan Cravens
1961 Wendell Deer
1962 Wendell Deer
1963 Dan Cravens
1964 Wendell Deer
1965 Dan Cravens
1966 Gary Crist
1967 R. Sublette
1968 Andy Wood
1969 Gary Crist
1970 R. Sublette
1971 Rush Friddle
1972 M.C. Cristie
1973 Tom Jones
1974 Rush Friddle
1975 Gary Admire
1976 Chuck Wenning
1977 Chuck Wenning
1978 Chuck Wenning
1979 Nick Nichols
1980 Chuck Wenning
1981 Dean Abplanalp
1982 Chuck Wenning
1983 Chuck Wenning
1984 Dean Abplanalp
1985 Chuck Wenning
1986 Jim Anthony
1987 Chuck Wenning
1988 Dean Abplanalp
1989 Jim Anthony
1990 Jim Anthony
1991 Chuck Wenning
1992 Jim Anthony
1993 Pete Wojtowicz
1994 Chuck Wenning
1995 Jeff Parish
1996 Chip Olson
1997 Jim Anthony
1998 Chuck Wenning
1999 Jim Anthony
2000 Chuck Wenning
2001 Chuck Wenning
2002 Jim Anthony
2003 Jim Anthony
2004 Chuck Wenning
2005 Jim Anthony
2006 Chuck Wenning
2007 Chuck Wenning
2008 Chuck Wenning
2009 Chuck Wenning
2010 Josh Oldham
2011 Tim Fish
2012 Josh Oldham
2013 Chuck Wenning
2014 Josh Oldham
2015 Josh Oldham
2016 Josh Oldham
2017 Josh Oldham
2018 Josh Oldham
2019 Erin McElwain
2020 Josh Oldham
2021 Josh Oldham
Women’s Club Champion
1941 N. Dyke
1944 D. Billingsly
1945 N. Dyke
1946 Rosemary Tulley 1947
1948 Rosemary T. Anderson
1949 Rollie Cravens
1950 Marge Sanders
1952 Marge Ragsdale
1953 Marge Ragsdale
1954 Judy Records
1955 Betty Graham
1956 Judy Records
1957 Marge Ragsdale
1958 Judy Records
1959 Rollie Cravens
1960 Marge Moyer
1961 Marge Hardin
1962 Ginger Cline
1963 M.L. Norton
1964 Judy R. Jones
1965 Judy R. Jones
1966 Jonnie Bailey
1967 Jonnie Bailey
1968 Marge Moyer
1969 Billie Windisch
1970 Carla Windisch
1971 Dorothy Sanders
1972 Carla Windisch
1973 Betty Graham
1974 Dorothy Sanders
1975 Virginia Nesmith
1976 Mary Gasaway
1977 Sarah O’Neil
1978 Nela Wagner
1979 Ann Gordon
1980 Ann Gordon
1981 Ann Gordon
1982 Ann Gordon
1983 Ann Gordon
1984 Ann Gordon
1985 Ann Gordon
1986 Ann Gordon
1987 Judy Deiwert
1988 Susan Randall
1989 Susan Randall
1990 Ann Gordon
1991 Susan Kirkland
1992 Ann Gordon
1993 Ann Gordon
1994 Ann Gordon
1995 Ann Gordon
1996 Kathleen Schutz
1997 Ann Gordon
1998 Kathleen Schutz
1999 Kathleen Schutz
2000 Jackie Jacob
2001 Sheryl Feyen
2002 Karen Nally
2003 Jackie Jacob
2004 Karen Nally
2005 Kathleen Schutz
2006 Sheryl Feyen
2007 Kathleen Schutz
2008 Karen Nally
2009 Kathleen Schutz
2010 Amy Bohm
2011 Kathleen Schutz
2012 Beth Orsay
2013 Kathleen Schutz
2014 Cindy Cody
2015 Beth Orsay
2016 Judy Deiwert
2017 Judy Deiwert
2018 Celeste Hook
2019 Judy Deiwert
2020 Celeste Hook
2021 Cindy Cody
let's talk about your time
at hillview country club
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